This morning, while driving to UTM International Campus KL, I listened to BFM Radio 89.9. 
On the segment Breakfast Grille (at 8 am.) today, the CEO of Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, Dato' Dr. Kamal Jit Singh was on air. I am very excited to listen and digesting his personal views and insight on innovation in Malaysia. The topic was "A Mountain of a Task: A Goverment-Led Push for Innovation".
Wow! Wow! Wow!
He had answered 82% of my Ph.D research questions in 30 minutes. Alhamdulillah.
He described innovation as change to create value. Innovation is about skill.
For example, in order for innovation to rapidly happen in this country, we need to be in very constraints (or difficult) situations. As we all know, Malaysian is not yet establish its "innovation culture" because we live our life happily every day. Yes, just think about it. We hardly be in difficult situations more than 2 weeks. All our problems, will be resolve within 12 days at most.
Too "manja" or "layback" society, isn't it? One of my research questions, definitely to determine the level of "layback" attitude among Malaysian technopreneurs.
One thing that we all Malaysians need to do is to start innovate. The government can only provide the right environment and conditions to spur the innovation activities BUT we ourselves (the Rakyat or the technopreneurs especially) must take self-initiatives to innovate and increase our own innovative capabilities.
I will email Dato' Dr. Kamal Jit Singh and find out if I can collaborate with Agensi Inovasi Malaysia in my research.
PS: By the way, you can download the recorded interview podcast from BFM Radio website.